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Josephus - Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek

Jesus Spoke Aramaic hosted a Live Webinar on Wednesday 6th July 2016 at 7-8pm UK (London) time.

This Webinar examined the famous historian Josephus, who lived in Israel in the first century. His works, Antiquities of the Jews and The Wars of the Jews, are classics in understanding the history of New Testament times. In this important video, we work our way through Josephus' works, and we take a close look at what he says about Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek.

We find that Josephus clearly says that Greek was not a language that was spoken in Israel, and he himself had to go to great lengths to learn it. Even then, he struggled with the language and how to pronounce it.

Josephus does make mention of Hebrew words, especially when he wants to draw a distinction between Hebrew and Aramaic, or when a Hebrew word is particularly important.

But Josephus originally wrote in Aramaic. He refers to Aramaic as "the language of our country" and "our language". We use BibleWorks and Accordance in this Webinar, to prove the case.

If you attended this Webinar, you can watch it again here. And if you were unable to attend the Webinar Live, you can watch and listen to it below.

NOTE: We will generally make the last (previous) Webinar available to watch here for free, but Subscribers get access to the full library of all historical Webinars.

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