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Learn more about Aramaic at the Bible Manuscript Society

I Don't Have All The Resources I Need!

You may worry that you need to buy lots of resources if you want to study Biblical Hebrew and/or Biblical Aramaic, such as Lexicons, Concordances, Dictionaries, Flashcards, Study Aids, Vocabulary Lists and so on.

But this website is carefully designed to provide you with everything you need. We provide many essential resources as freely downloadable Bonus Material, as well as systematic resources across all the many Lessons and Courses that we provide.

Therefore, all you really need to do is to Subscribe to this website, and work your way through all the material at your own pace. Unless you really want to, you do not need to buy anything else. You probably have access to many of the above resources anyway through Bible software that you already have.

Watch the Video!

The Bottom Line

Life is too short for excuses! If you really want to learn Hebrew and/or Aramaic, just get started already! Make your dream a reality! This website is different to every other method you may have tried in the past. All our Lessons and our Hebrew/Aramaic Courses are available to Subscribers. Once you Subscribe, you can just start any Course, and proceed at your own pace.

Private Hebrew/Aramaic Coaching is also available for those who want accelerated learning results, or who have specific needs.