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Genesis Reading Practice Course Overview


If you are interested in Hebrew, this essential Course is the next critical step after the Hebrew/Aramaic Alphabet (Ashuri) Course. Once you have gained a knowledge of the Hebrew Alphabet and are at the stage where you can read individual words confidently, this Course takes it a stage further, and gets you to the stage where you have the ability and confidence to read the first few chapters of Genesis in Hebrew.

This Course is designed to give you additional Reading Practice. You will not, at this stage, necessarily understand what you are reading. Nevertheless, this Course is essential because you need to learn to walk before you can run. Many people fail when they try to learn Hebrew because they are really at the stage of being a toddler (able to read individual letters and words) and then try to immediately run (dive straight into a passage and try to understand grammar). This approach does not work. You first need to complete this Genesis Reading Practice Course as a bridge - as an intermediate stage where you just try to read verses and feel confident in your ability to read a few chapters of the Bible in Hebrew. Don't be tempted to skip this Course!

This Course is essential if you want to progress in Hebrew, and if you want to get to the stage where you can tackle a passage such as The Ten Commandments, or the first few chapters of Genesis.

Course Prerequisites:

The following are Prerequisites for this Course:

Course Duration:

Typically 2 weeks if you are working on it every day, but it depends on your experience and how much you know already. However, you can complete this Course in your own time and at your own pace.

Course Cost:

The Course is free to Subscribers and is available once you have Subscribed.

Next Course:

Once you have completed this Course, we recommend that you move on to any of the following Courses: